Template Specs
Colors - Optional if specific colors are desired
Logo Image
Social URLs
Text [A]
Headline Text [B]
Text [B]
Main Image
Image [C]
Headline Text [C]
Text [C]
Text [D1]
Text [D2]
Text [D3]
Text [D4]
Text [D5]
Logo Image
Text [E1]
Text [E2]
- Background Color in hexadecimal format (#000000) for exact match.
- Button Color
- Text Colors
- Fonts will be web safe fonts in order to ensure consistent delivery on multiple email clients.
Logo Image
- PNG with transparent background preferred.
- JPG, GIF, PDF, AI, PSD or EPS are also accepted. Background color of image should match color of email background.
- Logo URL
Social URLs
- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Youtube, Google+, Pintrest, Email, Snapchat, Spotify, Other (Custom).
Text [A]
Headline Text [B]
Text [B]
Main Image
- 600px width or larger
- URL optional if the image should link.
Image [C]
- 180px width or larger
- URL optional if the image should link.
Headline Text [C]
Text [C]
Text [D1]
Text [D2]
Text [D3]
Text [D4]
Text [D5]
Logo Image
- Logo URL
Text [E1]
Text [E2]